DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast
Discover New Advances in the world of genetics, from technology like CRISPR to rare diseases to new research. For over a decade, multi-award winning podcast ”DNA Today” has brought you the voices of leaders in genetics. Host Kira Dineen brings her genetics expertise to interview geneticists, genetic counselors, patient advocates, biotech leaders, researchers, and more. ***Best 2020, 2021, and 2022 Science and Medicine Podcast Award Winner*** Learn more (and stream all 300+ episodes) at DNAtoday.com. You can contact the show at info@DNAtoday.com.

Monday Sep 08, 2014
Monday Sep 08, 2014
A new inherited neuromuscular disorder has been discovered. Rosalind Franklin's contribution to the discovery of the structure of DNA is explored, her role may be bigger than you think. A lesson of personalized medicine is taught covering the basics of the concept.

Monday Aug 25, 2014
Monday Aug 25, 2014
News stories are covered with the most major being the announcement of Google Baseline, a projected aimmed to understand the genetics behind a healthy person. The first International Genetic Genealogy Conference took place August 15-17. A mutated gene has been discovered that allows humans to survive at a high altitude.