DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast
Discover New Advances in the world of genetics, from technology like CRISPR to rare diseases to new research. For over a decade, multi-award winning podcast ”DNA Today” has brought you the voices of leaders in genetics. Host Kira Dineen brings her genetics expertise to interview geneticists, genetic counselors, patient advocates, biotech leaders, researchers, and more. ***Best 2020, 2021, and 2022 Science and Medicine Podcast Award Winner*** Learn more (and stream all 300+ episodes) at DNAtoday.com. You can contact the show at info@DNAtoday.com.

Monday Nov 24, 2014
Monday Nov 24, 2014
The event, The Drama of DNA is recapped. It was an enactment of genetic testing sessions and interactive discussion of fictional and real-life drama in the world of genetics. In the news, scientists discover new gene for devastating form of epilepsy. The event and news story both focus on whole genome sequencing.

Monday Nov 17, 2014
Monday Nov 17, 2014
Dr. Charles Lee, the scientific director at JAX Genomic Medicine, skyped my genetics class today, so I recap what he shared including the question of mine he answered. Members of the UCONN Genetic Engineering Team join the show. They discuss attending the International Genetically Engineered Machine annual competition. This competition gives students a chance to modify an organism that can help society solve some of the problems facing us today. Join them at their meetings 7pm in the UCONN Student Union room 322. Any questions can be directed to jeffrey.o'brien@uconn.edu or brian.liang@uconn.edu.

Monday Nov 10, 2014
Monday Nov 10, 2014
A summary of Cornell University's Dr. Andrew Grimson's "The Messenger's Tale: Decoding the 3'UTR" presentation at UCONN starts the show. Highlights from Cleveland Clinic's Medical Innovation Summit are innovations in cancer therapy. New research supports the idea that specific groups of microbes living in our gut could be protective against obesity - and that their abundance is influenced by our genes. A new study finds people with a variant in the CETP gene may survive the longest.

Monday Nov 03, 2014
Monday Nov 03, 2014
Dr. Rachel O’Neill is the Director of the Center for Genome Innovation. She is also a professor and head of Genetics and Genomics in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of Connecticut. We discuss her laboratory which researches molecular genetic and cytogenetics techniques to study centromere determinance. Dr. O'Neill shares her findings in DNA contamination and species-specific placental development and evolution. She gives insight on how UCONN and Jackson Laboratory is contributing to genetics. Learn more about Dr. Rachel O'Neill and her laboratory on her website, Roneill.lab.uconn.edu.

Monday Oct 27, 2014
Monday Oct 27, 2014
A recap of the pigeon genetics presentation from Mike Shapiro kicks off the show. An interview with Denise Anamani, the Academic Coordinator of Laboratory Education for the students in the Diagnostic Genetic Sciences Program at University of Connecticut. News stories include the epigenetic impact of binge drinking and the number of genes found to be associated with height.

Monday Oct 20, 2014
Monday Oct 20, 2014
This episode is dedicated to gene therapy. A lesson kicks off the show on gene therapy followed by a presentation of both sides of the debate whether this gene therapy is ethical and worth pursuing as a treatment. Two news stories show the advancements of gene therapy today in research. Discovered a gene mutation that causes rare premature aging disease called dyskeratosis congenita. Long-term treatment success using gene therapy to correct a lethal metabolic disorder has been reached.

Monday Oct 13, 2014
Monday Oct 13, 2014
The Grand Opening of Jackson Laboratory in Farmington, CT was this past Wednesday, October 8th. In this episode I discuss the presentations and the facility itself from the conference (check out upcoming conferences). The hot areas in genomic medicines mentioned at the symposium are explored such as prenatal and newborn genome sequences as well as ultra-rare genetic diseases. A quick news story on further findings of the breast cancer associated gene, BRCA2 is shared in honor of October being national breast cancer awareness month.

Monday Oct 06, 2014
Monday Oct 06, 2014
News stories are reported on about malaria, genetics role in stress and heart conditions, and a new method of identifying and analyzing DNA. Lessons explore Huntington's Disease and genetic testing of Huntington's. Woody Guthrie, a famous American singer-songwriter and folk musician, died from Huntington's. The field of bioinformatics is also explored.

Monday Sep 29, 2014
Monday Sep 29, 2014
Search Links edit widget html Tweets Did you know the tumor suppressor #gene, #TP53 is seen in about 50% of #cancers? Did you know it's estimated that 30% of all existing global data is #healthcare related? #bigdata What does role does #genetics play in stress and #heartconditions? I explore the research published: https://t.co/ze3H6LBvHf Biology + computers = #bioinformations. Check out what the field consist of in this podcast episode: https://t.co/983UwN8539 Live NOW > http://t.co/8cwVrcvMQs How many gene #genes are associated with #height? Find out on this #podcast episode: http://t.co/xLU3uoVjYu #TBT 1 year ago > The Grand Opening of @jacksonlab for #Genomic Medicine. My show review of the initial conference: http://t.co/xWKu596ibZ What is the effects of #caffeine on #embryos? I explore on this episode of #DNA today? http://t.co/nlhBXEjNRU Older Follow @DNApodcast post new entry #6 JACKSON LABORATORIES FOR GENOMIC MEDICINE OPENING 10/13/14 DateMONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 AT 01:44PM modify remove organize post follow up The Grand Opening of Jackson Laboratory in Farmington, CT was this past Wednesday, October 8th. In this episode I discuss the presentations and the facility itself from the conference (check out upcoming conferences). The hot areas in genomic medicines mentioned at the symposium are explored such as prenatal and newborn genome sequences as well as ultra-rare genetic diseases. A quick news story on further findings of the breast cancer associated gene, BRCA2 is shared in honor of October being national breast cancer awareness month. Play Episode AuthorECHO STUDIO | CommentPOST A COMMENT | Share ArticleSHARE ARTICLE TAGGED TagJACKSON LABORTARIES IN CategoryFULL EPISODE, CategoryWHUS #5 NEW METHOD OF DNA ANALYSIS 10/6/14 DateMONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 AT 02:26PM modify remove organize post follow up News stories are reported on about malaria, genetics role in stress and heart conditions, and a new method of identifying and analyzing DNA. Lessons explore Huntington's Disease and genetic testing of Huntington's. Woody Guthrie, a famous American singer-songwriter and folk musician, died from Huntington's. The field of bioinformatics is also explored. Play Episode AuthorECHO STUDIO | CommentPOST A COMMENT | Share ArticleSHARE ARTICLE TAGGED TagHUNTINGTON’S DISEASE IN CategoryFULL EPISODE, CategoryWHUS #4 SCHIZOPHRENIA, 8 DISORDERS 9/29/14 DateMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 AT 03:33PM modify remove organize post follow up Dr. John Malone, a professor at UCONN in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, presented his research for students which I recap. I plug the grand opening of Jackson Laboratories in Farmington, CT, Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine on October, 8th 2014. Major news story is the new research that Schizophrenia has been revealed to be 8 genetically distinct disorders. Background information on Gregor Mendel is shared. The genetic disorder of the week is Cystic Fibrosis which is explained on the show.

Monday Sep 15, 2014
Monday Sep 15, 2014
Researchers may have found a gene that has the power to slow the aging process by targeting specific genes. A method to keep stem cells in their pluripotent state for longer was also discovered. Scientists have claim to idenitify the gene that causes Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy which is an incurable muscle-wasting disease. Feature genetists of the week are the duo James Watson and Francis Crick. Genetic disorder of the week is Down Syndrome.