DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast

Discover New Advances in the world of genetics, from technology like CRISPR to rare diseases to new research. For over a decade, multi-award winning podcast ”DNA Today” has brought you the voices of leaders in genetics. Host Kira Dineen brings her genetics expertise to interview geneticists, genetic counselors, patient advocates, biotech leaders, researchers, and more. ***Best 2020, 2021, and 2022 Science and Medicine Podcast Award Winner*** Learn more (and stream all 300+ episodes) at DNAtoday.com. You can contact the show at info@DNAtoday.com.

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Monday Aug 24, 2015

Dr. Caroline Dealy of UCONN Health gives an inside scoop about her research on the development of the human skeleton. This regenerative research involves human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell. Dr. Dealy explains the role of genetics in these stem cells. She shares her insight on these incredible potential medical treatments for people that have lost limbs. We also discuss her role as the director of the Skeletal, Biology and Regeneration Graduate Program and what she is teaching her students in anticipation of how this field is changing.

Monday Aug 17, 2015

Robin Schwartz shares her experience as a hereditary cancer genetic counselor. As a genetic counselor for over 30 years she has seen many changes in the field and provides an inside scoop. She provides information to patients who are interested in genetic counseling and how patients can prepare for a genetic counseling meeting. We discuss red flags for hereditary cancer, genetic testing, and how insurance coverage works with the cost of these services. Check out nsgc.org, mentioned by Robin Schwartz, to learn more about genetic counselors.

#30 Women In Genetics

Monday Jul 20, 2015

Monday Jul 20, 2015

10 women who made major contributions to the fields of microbiology and genetics are recognized. Rosalind Franklin provided key evidence for the structure of DNA. Nettie Stevens supported her hypothesis that a fetus’s sex was determined by chromosomes, not environment. Barbara McClintock discovered mobile genetic elements. Salome Gluecksohn Waelsch founded the field of developmental genetics. Esther Lederberg discovered the lambda phage, worked on the F fertility factor, and, developed the method of replica plating. One theme throughout this episode is how little credit these women recieved for their work.

Friday Jul 10, 2015

A review of a Precision Medicine Initiative presentation at Jackson Laboratory Genomic Medicine in Farmington, CT. by Dr. Jo Handelsman. Also on July 10th the 21st Century Cures Act passed in the House of Representatives, the advantages and disadvantages are explored if this is passed in the Senate.

Monday Jun 22, 2015

Maddie Shaw is an active advocate with the Immune Deficiency Foundation and has a Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PI). She is also the Founder & Leader of Maddie’s Herd. Maddie's Herd raises awareness and research funds ($22,000 so far of her $50,000 goal!) for the ImmunoDeficiency Foundation (IDF) as 1000s of Americans are battling immunodeficiency disorders through prolonged diagnosis. Maddie is teaching doctors to "Think Zebra" when they hear hoofs. Like Maddie's Herd on Facebook to stay up to date. Don't forget to get your very own Maddie's Herd T-shirt and bracelet, both of which Ed Sheeran owns, he even wore his bracelet while playing on stage!

Monday May 25, 2015

Dr. Klassen shares his research with fungus-growing ant symbiosis to understand how microbial interaction evolves. He explains how relevant genetics is in his research as well as other research he has done involving gene fragmentation, phylogenetic analysis and drafting genome sequences. We discuss how genome sequencing works and how the technology has advanced in the last 10 years. The device we refer to in the episode is seen below! He explains what students can expect in his spring 2015 Microbial Genomics course (MCB 3895-004). Dr. Klassen is an Assistant Professor at UCONN. He received his PhD in Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Alberta and his Postdoctoral Study in the Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has his own lab in UCONN Storrs campus, Klassen Laboratory. Learn more on jonathanklassenlab.com and follow their activities on Twitter @KlassenLab.

Monday Apr 20, 2015

Plugging Away at Leaks in the Public Health Dike: Infectious Disease - Ebola and the Rest. This event was sponsored by the UCONN Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology and featured 2 speakers. Dr. Richard Melchreit is the Healthcare Associated Infections Program Coordinator at the CT Department of Public Health. He discussed the hosts of infectious disease challenges facing public health today. He discussed the concerns and pandemic influenza, outbreaks for foodborne disease; healthcare associated infections; and antimicrobial-resistant pathogens (such as MRSA, drug-resistant TB and CRE) Dr. Randal Nelson, DVM, CT State Public Health Veterinarian expanded upon Dr. Melchreit’s ideas as well as talked about zoonoses. Dr. Rob Knight from Pediatrics and Computer Science and Engineering of University of California presented on the Dynamics of the Human Microbiome. I share a few points he made during his presentation that shows just how powerful the microbiome in all of us.

Monday Apr 13, 2015

Georgia Hurst (@ShewithLynch), Amy Byer Shainman (@BRCAresponder), and Ellen Matloff (@MyGeneCounsel) are involved in raising awareness for Hereditary Cancer by holding the #Hcchats (@Hc_chat) on Twitter. You can catch the next Tweetchat April 29th at 9pm ET with special guest Dr. Sharon Bober (@DrSharonBober), an expert in sex after Oophorectomy or Hysterectomy. Georgia Hurst shares her and her family's experience having Lynch Syndrome and how she started her non-profit, IHaveLynchSyndrome.com. Amy Byer Shainman describes her documentary, Pink and Blue, and being a BRCA1 positive previvor. Ellen T. Matloff is the President and CEO of MyGeneCounsel and shares her insight on the importance of understanding genetic testing and genetic counseling and we all weigh in on Angelina Jolie's impact on both.

#24 DNA of the Dead

Monday Apr 06, 2015

Monday Apr 06, 2015

News stories include a very bizarre story about Gabriele D’Annunzio, a dead national war hero whose DNA was reconstructed. New advances in treatments for the most common form of muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy. The last story is about a biotech company, GenomeNext, that has achieved analyzing genomes at the speed of 1,000 per day.

#23 100,000 Genomes Project

Monday Mar 23, 2015

Monday Mar 23, 2015

The 100,000 Genomes Project has commenced. Genomics England is heading the project which has plans to sequence 100,000 whole genomes from NHS patients by 2017. This project aims to bring benefit to patients, create an ethical and transparent programme based on consent to enable new scientific discovery and medical insights and kickstart the development of a UK genomics industry.

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