DNA Today: A Genetics Podcast
Discover New Advances in the world of genetics, from technology like CRISPR to rare diseases to new research. For over a decade, multi-award winning podcast ”DNA Today” has brought you the voices of leaders in genetics. Host Kira Dineen brings her genetics expertise to interview geneticists, genetic counselors, patient advocates, biotech leaders, researchers, and more. ***Best 2020, 2021, and 2022 Science and Medicine Podcast Award Winner*** Learn more (and stream all 300+ episodes) at DNAtoday.com. You can contact the show at info@DNAtoday.com.

Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Cytogenetics is the field genetics at a cellular level, which means looking at chromosomes (bundles of DNA). Clinical Cytogeneticist, Charlotte Keith, discusses the areas of testing; acquired and constitutional, which is broken down into prenatal and postnatal. She explains how balanced and unbalanced rearrangements work and talks about a case that explains the concept.
Charlotte gives us an UK view of how genetic counseling is incorporated into their genetic testing process and just how complex “informed consent” is when it comes to genetic testing as incidental findings do happen. Direct-to-consumer testing becoming more popular and Charlotte adds in her opinion on these companies and the science behind them.
Check out the website Charlotte recommends for understanding chromosome disorders www.rarechromo.org, it has resources for countless syndromes with downloadable pdfs outlining information in laymen’s terms. She also mentions the Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) project and the 100,000 Genomes Project.Charlotte is a Clinical Cytogeneticist from Scotland, providing diagnostic and prognostic genetic testing for NHS (National Health Service) patients.

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Wesley Wilson discusses the epigenetic patterns in tumor progressing. He shares his expertise on pediatric cancer, how epigenetics differs between types of cancer, using epigenetics to diagnosis cancers and how treatment can differ depending on epigenetic patterns identified. Wes also gives an insider's view on the Hacking Health organization and how he contributes in his role. Wesley Wilson is a Canadian molecular biologist, whose work is focused on studying the epigenetics of tumor progression in pediatric brain cancers. He is also an ardent programmer and developer sitting on one of the organizing committees for Hacking Health. Wes founded the online science blog, MostlyScience.com and contributes to ScienceSeeker.org. His writings aim to demystify evidence based medicine.

Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Dan Donovan is the Co-Founder and CEO of Onevoice, a rare disease community building software solution. Onevoice provides a powerful encouragement and knowledge platform for all rare disease stakeholders. It is an all-inclusive collaboration and encouragement space for Patients and Physicians and all the people involved in rare disease — welcoming all who participate in diagnosis, treatment, research, caregiving and advocacy. Onevoice is the first Encourage Media platform – featuring the “+care” button, Sentiment Palette and Encouragement Power. Dan has spent nearly 3 decades in the pharmaceutical industry on both the industry and service sides of the business – first with Pfizer then creating Envision Pharma, which was acquired by United BioSource Corporation. His introduction to the world of rare disease began in 2011 when he was appointed to the Board of Directors and later as Chief Business Officer of Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals. Dan is the primary visionary behind the Clear offering.

Friday Dec 16, 2016
Friday Dec 16, 2016
Scott Weissman, founder of Chicago Genetic Consultants, discussing being an entrepreneur and genetic counselor at his private practice along with the subfields of genetic counseling he focuses on including cardiogenetics, hereditary cancer, and carrier screening. He shares his expertise on direct-to-consumer genetic testing offered from a variety of companies. Scott Weissman is a trailblazing genetic counselor who recently started his own independent practice, Chicago Genetic Consultants. He has previously been a genetic counselor at GeneDX and NorthShore University HealthSystem. Scott has received the Strategic Leader Award from the National Society of Genetic Counselors for working on multiple projects related to Medicare guidelines for cancer genetic testing, publishing genetic counseling and testing vignettes in the journal Community Oncology, and the United States Preventative Services Task Force BRCA genetic counseling guidelines. Scott is currently a Clinical Faculty member at the Northwestern University Graduate Program in Genetic Counseling and a senior genetic counselor at Aurora Health Care.

Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Dr. Joanne Kamens discusses gender equality in work environments, specifically in scientific fields and how to have a successful career in science. We talk about the progress made so far, and how much more advances there are to be made. Trailblazers such as Sheryl Sandberg have been increasing awareness for gender work equality with her Lean In movement. Joanne offers her insight why women are not represented in CEO, President and other high positions in companies. She comments on the gender pay gap and how companies can work towards closing the gap. Careers in science include academia and research, but the list doesn't end there. Joanne explains a few non-traditional roles offered at Addgene and other companies. She shares her own experience to finding her current role at Addgene. Networking is key in careers, and Joanne discusses this in her Not Networking video. Dr. Joanne Kamens is the Executive Director of Addgene, a mission driven, nonprofit dedicated to helping scientists around the world share plasmid reagents. We previously talked to her colleague, Dr. Melina Fan about Addgene. Joanne received her PhD in Genetics from Harvard Medical School then spent 15 years at BASF/Abbott, ultimately serving as Group Leader in Molecular Biology. In 2007 she joined RXi Pharmaceuticals as Senior Director of Research Collaborations. Dr. Kamens has been raising awareness of women scientists since 1998. She founded the current Boston chapter of the Association for Women in Science. Dr. Kamens was recognized as one of the 2013 PharmaVoice 100 Most Inspiring and one of the Forty Over 40 Women Making an Impact.

Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Patient advocate, Georgia Hurst, shares about the hereditary cancer syndrome that she has, Lynch syndrome. It is an inherited disorder that increases the risk of many types of cancer, particularly cancers of the colon and rectum, and the reproductive organs in woman depending on which of the five Lynch syndrome mutations they hold. Georgia shares about her journey with Lynch syndrome from genetic counseling and genetic testing to find her mutation to risk reducing surgeries and how it has altered her life. New research and treatments in the hereditary cancer syndrome community is also Genetic counselors are important in guiding patients through genetic testing. Genetic counselors are valuable resources for helping patient learn about what hereditary cancer syndromes they may have and information for risk reducing surgeries. We highlight the difference between people practicing genetic counseling and certified genetic counselors. Georgia Hurst is a Lynch Syndrome Advocate, with her roles as Founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit, IHaveLynchSyndrome.com, a fantastic resource for people to learn about Lynch syndrome and read personal blog posts by Georgia on her experiences. Georgia has Lynch syndrome which is an inherited disorder that increases the risk of many types of cancer, particularly cancers of the colon and rectum, and the reproductive organs in woman depending on which of the five Lynch syndrome mutations they hold. She is a stakeholder in the National Academy of Sciences: Genomics and Population Health Action Collaborative. Her mission is to educate doctors and the public around the globe about Lynch syndrome.

Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Genetic counselor Brianne Kirkpatrick discuss family health history in honor of November being it’s awareness month, what the public should know about direct-to-consumer tests, how ancestry genetic testing works, and insight on running a private practice. Brianne Kirkpatrick, is a licensed and certified genetic counselor with more than 11 years of experience. She is a member of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, International Society of Genetic Genealogy, and the National Genealogical Society. She has her own private practice, WatershedDNA, where she offers clients her expertise in medical genetics and counseling to provide support and information to those seeking DNA testing for genealogy and health purposes. Brianne received her Bachelor’s in Biology and Religious Studies at Indiana University followed by a Master’s in Genetic Counseling at Northwestern University.

Friday Nov 04, 2016
Friday Nov 04, 2016
Sharon Begley presented at UCONN about the invention and evolution of the CRISPR-CAS9 technology. After the event she joins me on the show to discuss how CRISPR technology is making huge advances in research with HIV/AIDS, sickle cell disease and more. We discuss how CRISPR compares to other genetic editing technologies and why it has become so universal. Sharon Begley, is a science communicator and is the senior science writer at STAT, the life sciences publication of the Boston Globe. Sharon Begley was previously the senior health and science correspondent at Reuters, the science editor and the science columnist at Newsweek, and a contributing writer at the magazine and its website, The Daily Beast. She is the co-author of the book, The Emotional Life of Your Brain. Another UCONN event is discussed in this episode, Environment, Epigenetics and Cancer: How to Cultivate the Connections. I highlight points from Dr. Mary Beth Terry’s keynote presentation, “Breast Cancer Susceptibility: Rethinking the role of the environment and methods to improve risk assessment” including risk factors for breast cancer and the models used to calculate this risk. Panelist at the event who accompanied Dr. Terry on stage are Dr. Gary Lee Ginsberg, a toxicologist for the CT Dept of Public Health, Ellen Matloff, a certified genetic counselor and President of My Gene Counsel, and Dr. Christina Stevenson, an oncologist at UConn Health. Panel Moderators: Dr. Robert Henning, CPH-NEW Investigator and Dr. Judy Brown, Director Diagnostic Genetic Sciences Program and Health Care Genetics Professional Science Master's Degree Program. I discuss the major topics brought up by the audience along with the panelist responses.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Tuesday Oct 18, 2016
Four events in one episode! I cover the NY Cytogenetics Regional Meeting I attending highlighting interesting points from presentations by Dr. Irene Cherric, Dr. Robert Hutchinson, Thomas Pope, Dr. Kazim R. Chohan, and Dr. Frank Middleton. I also discuss my presentation on the public's awareness of genetics through social media. These three genetic events are upcoming at UCONN/UCONN Health. All three have a focus on epigenetics, showing just how influential and universal this field of genetics is becoming. Environment, Epigenetics and Cancer: How to Cultivate the Connections October 24th, 2016 at 11:30 in the Student Union of UCONN Storrs, CT. Keynote Presentation by Mary Beth Terry, PhD “Breast Cancer Susceptibility : Rethinking the role of the environment and methods to improve risk assessment” Goal of the event to provide attendees with an update of current research and our understanding of the role of epigenetics and the environment in cancer risk and development. The panel will discuss advances in risk assessment, implications of scientific discoveries, epigenetic biomarkers and technological advances in screening, diagnosis and treatment of cancer as well as provide feedback about the public and patient perspective. Gene Editing: The CRISPR Revolution October 26th, 2016 at 6pm in the Dodd Research Center f UCONN Storrs, CT. Keynote speaker, Sharon Begley, the the senior science writer at STAT, the life sciences publication of the Boston Globe will be discussing the invention and evolution of the CRISPR-CAS9 technology. It seems as if the possibilities for CRISPR are endless: drought–resistant crops, disease resistant livestock, new drugs and a cure for cancer. How does this technology work? What are some of the current explorations of the gene editing technology? What are the limitations and the risks of its use? What ethical conversations need to be had by science, the public, policymakers? Prader-Willi Syndrome: New Epigenetic Findings and Potential Routes to Therap November 4th, 2016 at 2pm in the Henry B.C. Low, M.D. Learning Auditorium at UCONN Health in Farmington, CT. The keynote speaker will be Marc Lalande, Ph.D., Health Net Professor and Chairman from the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, UConn Health.

Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
Genetic counselor, Ginger Nichols, shares about what the MotherToBaby service offers (1-860-679-6199 for CT), her role as a genetic counselor, her expertise of the impact of the Zika Virus on pregnancy, the recommendation of flu shots for pregnant women, the effect of drugs on pregnancy, and October being Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Ginger also offers her insight into becoming a genetic counselor. Ginger Nichols is a certified genetic counselor. She currently works for MotherToBaby CT, which is housed at UCONN Health in the Human Genetics department. Previously she worked in cytogenetic laboratories, taught undergraduate biology/genetics, and counseled adults with Down syndrome and other genetic disorders. She received her bachelor’s in Biology and Sociology at Juniata College followed by a Master’s in Medical Genetics at the University of Cincinnati. If you want to find a genetic counselor in your area, please go to nsgc.org, there you can find a search feature that allows you to locate a genetic counselor near you or genetic counselors that offer phone session. To learn more about the field check out NSGC's new website, aboutgeneticcounselors.com.