Monday Jun 22, 2015
#28 Interview with Maddie’s Herd
Maddie Shaw is an active advocate with the Immune Deficiency Foundation and has a Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PI). She is also the Founder & Leader of Maddie’s Herd. Maddie's Herd raises awareness and research funds ($22,000 so far of her $50,000 goal!) for the ImmunoDeficiency Foundation (IDF) as 1000s of Americans are battling immunodeficiency disorders through prolonged diagnosis. Maddie is teaching doctors to "Think Zebra" when they hear hoofs. Like Maddie's Herd on Facebook to stay up to date. Don't forget to get your very own Maddie's Herd T-shirt and bracelet, both of which Ed Sheeran owns, he even wore his bracelet while playing on stage!