Friday Jun 24, 2022
#190 PhenoTips: Gender Affirming Care in Genetic Counseling
Happy Pride month! This episode we are continuing our celebrations! Last episode (#189) we interviewed two experts from PhenoTips, Orion Buske and Erica Peacock about building inclusive pedigrees. This episode is a fantastic follow up about how to provide gender affirming care, specifically in the genetic counseling space. As a queer member of the LGBTQIA+ community, our host Kira Dineen is excited to share this episode.
DNA Today’s host Kira Dineen is also one of the hosts of the PhenoTips Speaker Series. This monthly live webinar focuses on relevant genetics topics by featuring discussions with thought leaders and experts in genomic medicine. This episode is the 20th installment of the PhenoTips’ Speaker Series, “Gender Affirming Care in Genetic Counseling”.
The webinar is sponsored by PhenoTips. During these live events we interview leaders in the field of genetics and moderate questions live from the audience. Check out upcoming installments by heading over to PhenoTips.com where you can also stream all the webinars from the last two years.
Gender Affirming Care in Genetic Counseling is a panel discussion and interactive Q & A with host and genetic counselor Kira Dineen, diversity and inclusion advocate and hereditary cancer genetic counselor at Genome Medical, Joanna Mercado, prenatal genetic counselor at Sema4, Marney Brillinger, and transgender patient advocate, Holden Bender-Bernstein.
Cultural attitudes towards the transgender community have shifted in recent years, allowing trans individuals to become more visible and empowered than previously possible. As the trans population grows in response, so too do health disparities and incidents of transphobia experienced by this historically medically marginalized group. With no agreed-upon pedigree standards for trans individuals and limited cultural competency training, genetic counselors face significant challenges providing the necessary affirming care to transgender and gender non-conforming patients.
On This Episode We Discuss:
• Improving clinic experiences for transgender and gender non-conforming patients
• Beyond standards: gender affirming family history collection
• Challenges to providing gender affirming care in existing service delivery models
• Education and advocacy in the genetics and genomics community
The PhenoTips Speaker Series is also available now as a podcast, so search “PhenoTips Speaker Series” wherever you are listening to this podcast (Apple, Spotify) to subscribe and stay updated on new episodes.
Stay tuned for the next new episode of DNA Today on July 1st, 2022! New episodes are released on Fridays. In the meantime, you can binge over 190 other episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, streaming on the website, or any other podcast player by searching, “DNA Today”. Episodes since 2021 are also recorded with video which you can watch on our YouTube channel.
DNA Today is hosted and produced by Kira Dineen. Our social media lead is Corinne Merlino. Our video lead is Amanda Andreoli.
See what else we are up to on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and our website, DNApodcast.com. Questions/inquiries can be sent to info@DNApodcast.com.
PerkinElmer Genomics is a global leader in genetic testing focusing on rare diseases, inherited disorders, newborn screening, and hereditary cancer. Testing services support the full continuum of care from preconception and prenatal to neonatal, pediatric, and adult. Testing options include sequencing for targeted genes, multiple genes, the whole exome or genome, and copy number variations. Using a simple saliva or blood sample, PerkinElmer Genomics answers complex genetic questions that can proactively inform patient care and end the diagnostic odyssey for families. Learn more at PerkinElmerGenomics.com. (SPONSORED)
HemoShear Therapeutics is a clinical stage company developing new treatments for patients with rare metabolic disorders. By partnering with fellow biopharma companies, HemoShear is accelerating their drug discovery and development programs in metabolic disorders, and also liver diseases and gout. HemoShear is currently conducting a clinical trial for a new therapy for propionic and methylmalonic Acidemia. Learn more about these conditions and the clinical trial in an upcoming episode of DNA Today! You can also visit hemoshear.com. (SPONSORED)
In my free time during the summer I am usually with friends at our apartment’s pool. My spot is right next to the water reading a book, most recently “A Crack In Creation”, which might come up in a future episode. I like keeping cool by sipping on some ice tea while I read, but I don’t like all the sugar. So I’ve been enjoying Sound drinks instead. Sound makes unsweetened, organic sparkling waters made with tea and botanicals. No natural flavors or sugar. My fav is the blueberry with cinnamon and hibiscus tea. Try it out by ordering at DrinkSound.com using promo code DNATODAY for 20% off! Plus you are supporting the podcast. (SPONSORED)
A bunch of my friends at my apartment have dogs and I love being able to offer them a treat when I take them for a walk or when they visit my place. So I got Sundays for Dogs. Now this is dog food, but can also be used as dog treats. My friend Annie’s dog, Frank, gets so excited when he sees me, and if I’m being honest, I think it’s more the food than me. Sundays For Dogs is real food formulated by a Vet with high quality meat, veggies, fruit and superfoods, then air-dried to perfection. Since you are a DNA Today listener, you can visit SundaysForDogs.com and use code “DNATODAY” for 35% off your first order. Support your pup and the podcast! (SPONSORED)