Friday Aug 21, 2020
#129 DTC Series: Picture Genetics on At-Home, Physician-Mediated, Genetic Testing
Picture Genetics Kit Giveaway! Enter to win your own free kit on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Guests for this episode are from Fulgent Genetics (offering Picture Genetic kits), which is the sponsor of this new Direct To Consumer Genetic Testing Series. Jessica Shiles is a genetic counselor and Dr. Samuel Strom is the lab director.
Jessica serves as Fulgent’s Clinical Genetics Marketing Specialist. Her main role is to provide clinical training and expertise to help develop marketing material that is used to educate, support, and inform the patients and providers Fulgent serves. With Jessica’s strong passion for patient advocacy, she also leads Fulgent’s community outreach. She is a fellow Sarah Lawrence College’s alumni where she received her Masters of Science in Human Genetics.
Previously Dr. Strom was an assistant professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine where he pioneered interpreting genomics results in the context of clinical diagnostic testing for rare inherited diseases and cancer. At Fulgent, he is continuing to forward this new science at an industrial scale. He is also an accomplished researcher in the fields of neurogenetics, ophthalmic genetics, and molecular diagnostics, with publications in top journals such as Science, JAMA, Genetics in Medicine, and Human Molecular Genetics.
On This Episode We Discuss:
Overview of Picture Genetics’ approach to DTCs (including genetic counseling)
Difference between DTC genotyping and sequencing
Conditions on carrier screening (Picture Parenting)
Ideal time for carrier screening
Newborn testing for healthy vs sick babies
Newborn testing vs newborn screening
Conditions on newborn testing (Picture Newborn)
Value of newborn testing after negative carrier screening
ACMG59 qualification of conditions (Picture Wellness)
Purpose of ordering testing on the ACMG59 genes
COVID-19 DTC testing, including FDA approval
There is one correction during the episode, Jessica mentioned ACMG when she meant to say ACOG.
As a DNA Today listener you can order your kits with code “DNATODAY” for a 25% discount and free shipping. Order at and the kit will be delivered right to your home! Thanks for Picture Genetics for sponsoring this DTC series. Don’t forget to enter our Picture Genetics Kit Giveaway on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Stay tuned for the next new episode of DNA Today on September 4th, 2020! New episodes are released on the first Friday of the month with some bonus episodes thrown in there. In the meantime, you can listen to over 125 other episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or streaming on the website. Questions/inquiries can be sent to